Janganpa Jukurra Canvas Art Print
Janganpa Jukurrpa Canvas Art Print - An abstract and contemporary Aboriginal artwork that features a collision of colours, overlaid with circles and dots, in a muted and earthy colour palette of warm red, blue and yellow.
This contemporary Aboriginal artwork tells the story of the common brush-tail possum Dreaming, and travels all over Warlpiri country. The story begins on a big hill, Mawurrji, west of Yuendumu and north of Pikilyi (Vaughan Springs) in the Northern Territory, where a group of ‘janganpa’ (common brush-tail possum) lived. Every night they set out in search of food, their travels taking them far across the land. On their search for water at Ngarlkirdipini, they happened upon a Nampijinpa woman living with her two daughters.
After initially agreeing to give her daughters in marriage to one of the Jupurrurla janganpa, she later decided to run away with them instead. The angry Jupurrurla pursued the women, tracking them to Mawurrji hill where he killed them with a stone axe. There are now rocks on the hill where their bodies once laid.
In Warlpiri paintings traditional iconography is used to represent this Jukurrpa. 'Janganpa' tracks are often represented as 'E' shaped figures and concentric circles are used to depict the trees in which the 'janganpa' live, and also the sites at Mawurrji.
Steven Nelson has developed his own characteristic style in the depiction of the Jukurrpa, he is not using traditional iconography, his abstract representation of his dreaming is an exploration of the relationship of colour and form to depict the landscape and the story associated to his Jukurrpa.
Bring the richness of Aboriginal culture and timeless storytelling traditions into your home with this intricately painted and breathtaking artwork.
Urban Road is committed to investing a stream of ongoing financial support back into the Yuendumu and Nyirripi artist community. For every Jangapa Jukurrpa artwork sold, a percentage of the sale price goes directly back to the artist.
Please allow between 7 to 10 working days for artwork to arrive.
Artwork by Urban Road.